Day of the Virgin of Guadalupe

The Day of the Virgin of Guadalupe (or Día de la Virgen de Guadalupe), observed each December 12, is the most important Catholic feast day in Mexico. It commemorates the meeting of an Aztec man with the Virgin Mary in 1531. It has been celebrated as a national holiday since 1859.

5 ways to combat colds and flu Mexican-style

Build your own Mexican first aid kit.David and I kicked off the holiday season nursing colds.First David got a raging sore throat, body aches, and laryngitis. Then I got hit with a one-two punch of sore throat and exhaustion. Thanks to white ...

Gracias, Mexico

Gracias, México 3 reasons I’m thankful for my country-in-law.Thanksgiving in the United States is just hours away. It is, at its core, a day to reflect on the things we are grateful for in our lives and to thank God for our bless ...

How do you say “Como se dice”?

Foreign language fluency has as much to do with mindset as vocabulary.In high school, I studied French. I loved how it sounded. I loved learning a new language. I got good grades. When it came to having a conversation, though, it was like a ...

Isla de las Muñecas: A Mexican ghost story

Depending on how you feel about dolls, Doll Island is not what you'd expect... or it’s exactly what you'd expect.We had been happily punting through the canals of Xochimilco for a couple hours. All was peaceful outside our trajinera—the flat ...